A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
We have just listened to an interview of Colorado author Ben Cort talking with Bob McCoskrie. This issue of legalising marijuana is full of lies — lies of ommision.
We are not being informed of the huge increases in the THC of plants today. In the 1960s the THC was
roughly 3 percent — now, with breeding and GM, it is in the 20-35 percent range. This brings in a whole new set of problems, particularly with mental issues.
We are told the black market and gang influence will lesson, but the experience of Colorado has been a 400 percent increase in involvement.
This is more than a few old hippies trying to relive their youth, or a few youth trying to rebel. This is open theft of people’s potential and it is being pushed by corporates and by politicians who were voted into government for the health and wellbeing of our people.
Mary Ford