“I would say at least 45 sheep have been killed in all.
“It started on Wednesday last week with the first attack on my property in Kirkpatrick Road, and then the dogs came back on Sunday and worried and killed some more.
“I have seen the dogs. They’re pig dogs, and I know where they came from.”
Mr Bryson said he managed to get hold of one of the dogs and handed it over to the GDC’s animal control section.
“A council dog control ranger came out and took it into town.
“He then later released the dog back to its owners, which I was damned annoyed about,” Mr Bryson said.
“It’s my understanding the rule went through the council a few years ago that any dog caught worrying sheep was to be destroyed.
“I saw that dog worrying my sheep.”
The council’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Manager Gary McKenzie said infringement notices will be sent to the owner of the dog Mr Bryson caught.
“At the time of the dog being picked up by the council’s animal control officers it was tied up and under control.
“At that stage, it was not a threat and the legislation we work under does not allow us to put down a dog which is under control.”
Mr McKenzie said patrols have been stepped up in the Patutahi area to keep an eye on things.
“If the dog had been found worrying stock on site, then it would have allowed further action to be taken.”
Mr Bryson said there were dogs still out there in the Patutahi area worrying sheep.
“Farmers need to be warned about it.
“It’s got to come to a stop.”