Where are our councillors in all this?? We are almost a month into the Government’s 100-day plan and I am writing as a concerned Māma and member of our community to express my deep disappointment at the lack of voice exhibited by all of our elected councillors. I have noticed the lack of any visible opposition or even constructive engagement with regard to any of the proposals put forward in the new Government’s 100-day plan which holds serious ramifications for our community.
We are talking about repealing the smokefree legislation, repealing fair pay agreement legislation, restoring 90-day trial periods, disestablishing the Maori Health Authority and even allowing the sale of cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine when our community is being plagued by a “P” epidemic.
These are but a few of the proposals in the Government’s 100-day plan and concerns have been raised and voiced among many, many residents here in Te Tairāwhiti — and we haven’t heard a peep
from any of our councillors about any of it.
As elected representatives entrusted with the responsibility of voicing our collective interests, it is incumbent upon Gisborne District Council to actively engage in discussions and advocate for our concerns. It is disheartening to witness the lack of a proactive response from our council on these matters of great importance to our community.