A master plan for the ongoing management of a popular Gisborne beach was a late withdrawal at a council meeting last week, with no explanation given to the public.
But Gisborne District Council has since revealed the reason for its removal — insights from mana whenua prior to the meeting.
Last Thursday, the council was set to adopt the Maka-o-Riri Master Plan (formerly Makorori Master Plan) which it has been working on for two years.
The non-binding document includes an array of recommendations for the management of the area into the future, including renaming the beach to Maka-o-Riri to better reflect its history.
It also recommends formalising the relationship between the council and Maka-o-Riri hapū for the ongoing management of the beach, naming various stopping points after significant tīpuna and pā sites (as directed by hapū) and adding signage to share the area’s history.