Iwi-led events are making sure people around the rohe complete their 2023 Census forms.
The big count for New Zealand, giving a snapshot of life, people and communities, was meant to have been done by Tuesday, March 7.
But late in February the Government extended that date for areas affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Extra funding was allocated.
The last census was done in 2018, but one issue was the lack of completed census forms.
So this time around more resources have been put into getting the Census out to everybody in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Te Mana Whakatipu is the name of the 2023 Census team led by iwi organisations Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa.
They have 24 community events planned for around Te Tairāwhiti.
The first was at Te Tini o Porou in Kaiti on Tuesday and Wednesday. The second was at the House of Breakthrough yesterday and today, and over the weekend the teams will be at Te Wananga o Aotearoa tomorrow and Te Poho o Rawiri Marae on Sunday.
Events and engagement coordinator Mona Smith-Tuhou said the events had been great with “heaps” of whānau turning up and completing their census forms, either on physical copies or online.
The weekday events were after school so the whole whānau can come along. The weekend ones are from 12.30pm to 3pm.
It’s not just about form-filling. Attractions include bouncy castles, face painting, The Amazing Maze, Dexter’s Slushy & Real fruit ice cream, sausage sizzle and burgers and giveaways, all to the sounds of DJ Double D.
“I think this has been the best way to get engagement,” Ms Smith-Tuhou said.
Fifty collectors are going around Tairāwhiti homes checking and collecting Census forms.
“The whānau coming along are so engaged and eager to complete the census forms. They understand how it’s important.
“We are so grateful for all the support from people coming to the events and completing their forms,” she said.
The date for completing the Census has been extended with on-the-ground support until June 1 2023 where needed, and further time to complete the Census online.
To complete the census or get help, you can go to any of the events or go to www.censusgisborne.org or www.census.govt.nz
■ The Census counts every person in Aotearoa New Zealand, and the places where they live or stay. It helps create a picture of what Kiwis, their families and their communities need. By knowing this, government agencies, council, iwi, community groups and businesses can plan how to respond to them. Census answers help groups like these help everyone.
Ticking the boxes: Census staffer Stacey Reeves (standing) helps Ira Henare (left) and Selvi Joseph Mohan fill out their Census forms. Picture by Paul Rickard
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