“Everything is running behind due to the weather over summer, particularly the cyclones.”
Mr Hyland said the yields produced so far had been been average to above average, which was pleasing.
“Our anticipated total tonnage for the season is still up in the air due to the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle.
“Until we get harvesters into the paddocks it will be too difficult to make estimations around the crop impact from the storms,” Mr Hyland said.
Corson Grain is harvesting around Gisborne and Wairoa.
‘We’ll be harvesting through until at least late June this season.”
Viterra regional manager Dave Corrin said it was about 10 percent through its harvest.
“It’s still early stages and too early to predict yields and the impact of the cyclone.
“However, Viterra is working closely with its growers to support maximum crop potential with a timely harvest by utilising our efficient carrier network and drier facilities.”