by Hamish Bidwell, Hawke’s Bay Today
Remote doesn’t mean out of sight, when it comes to the poaching of pāua.
Police and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) staff stopped and eventually seized a vehicle on Māhia East Coast Rd on Wednesday, after finding undersized pāua and crayfish in one or two “unusual” places.
Māhia sole charge police constable Chad Prentice says 17 undersized pāua and “several” crayfish were stashed under the bonnet of a car, under a console in the transmission and in the boot, after the vehicle was first seen driving on a remote Māhia beach.
“As far as hiding stuff, particularly seafood, in cars it’s not common practice. It is unusual, but obviously it does get done from time to time when people are trying to get away with something significant like that,” Prentice said of the hiding places.