Reading the column by Jack Marshall (8th July), I thought of how lovely to have.
1) The last time I saw Sam Stubbs (founder of Simplicity) he said he had been to see the council and Mayor that morning and offered the Simplicity building programme to them. He was politely declined; the council doesn’t intend to build homes for residents.
2) Improving roads — we’ll get whatever is the cheapest (in my opinion). More cycleways would be lovely; I’d also love the cyclists to use the ones we’ve got. I use a wheelchair in town, so I know the abysmal state of the footpaths. With current users — disability scooters, wheelchairs, skateboards, scooters and cyclists — there isn’t much room left for people on foot. I’ve only had one cyclist hit me and go over my head.
3) Vibrant city centre — the CBD seems to be full of empty, dirty shops. Visitors comment on what a sad little town it is. Cruise people must think we’ve joined Quentin Chrisp.
Ingrid Derbyshire