Buddha: A self-centred life will not make you happy.
Jesus: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Buddha: Accept not teaching on authority alone. Investigate yourself.
Jesus: Work out your own salvation.
Buddhist stupas are not built to worship Buddha but to commemorate his life and teachings.
I believe that I have the right to choose my own spiritual path but I don’t deserve this right unless I am willing to let others do the same.
I know that our Buddhist community in Gisborne have been working hard for many years to realise their dream of having a Buddhist stupa in Gisborne. Buddhism is all about enlightenment and what better place to build it but on top of Kaiti Hill which symbolically receives the world’s first rays of light each day.
Christianity teaches “Love your neighbour as yourself”, so well done my Buddhist neighbours. I wish you blessings of peace and love and I know that you wish the same for me.