I would like to join the expressions of disappointment in the GDC decision to overlook Comet Swimming Club for the Learn to Swim contract at the new Kiwa Pools.
It seems somewhat ironic that one of the so-called benefits of the council preferred provider is the provision of 80 places for free swimming lessons, given that charges to enter the new pools seem likely to be out of reach for many families in our district. I am sure local sponsorship could have been arranged for this alongside Comet.
I would also think that if there is a big demand for swimming lessons in te reo Maori, this could have been provided through Comet.
Comet has provided swimming lessons across many years in Gisborne and the club has been a key driver behind the provision of public swimming facilities. The council has missed an opportunity to ensure this local provision remains viable and open to our community. Poor marks to the council for showing no local loyalty!
Yours in Comet across the generations.