“Then they brought the children to shore.
“They were very cold when brought in, so they were taken to the first aid room at the surf club to be warmed up.”
She said once the children were secured by the lifeguards the jet ski rider went off up the river and returned later to pick them up from Kaiaponi Farms Waikanae SLSC.
Sea conditions at the time were clean, almost non-existent surf, however the water temperature would have dropped at the time of the incident around 6.15pm.
“Jet skis have been a major issue over the past few weeks with some jet ski operators ignoring the rules around riding near the shore,” the SLSNZ spokeswoman said.
“A jet ski must not exceed 5 knots in any river and must operate 200 metres or more from the water’s edge.
“They may only travel at 5 knots or less within 50m of a person in the water — that includes surfers.”