More than 50 elected members, chief executives and invited guests from councils and government agencies across the lower North Island attended the biannual Local Government Zone 3 meeting in Gisborne on Thursday and Friday.
The meeting, held at the Midway Surf Rescue Community Hub, was an opportunity for leaders from 18 local government authorities and Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) to network with their counterparts to discuss perspectives on national issues and matters relevant to the zone’s geographical area.
The Gisborne District Council and Mayor Rehette Stoltz were keen to invite fellow mayors and officials to Tairāwhiti for the first meeting of 2024, to both showcase the region and share the progress and challenges facing our communities through the recovery.
“It’s not often we have an opportunity to invite members from neighbouring councils to experience what our beautiful region has to offer,” Mayor Stoltz said before the meeting.
“So, while the kaupapa is about relationship building, sharing information across regions and hearing from guest speakers on a range of topics, I look forward to manaaki our guests and showcasing our culture, environment, community assets, local food and businesses.”