All funds raised are presented to #Hear4u at the end of the season.
#Hear4u is a not-for-profit charity organisation founded by Krissy Mackintosh, who identified a community need to support tāne in Tairāwhiti as a suicide prevention service and to break the stigma around men’s mental health.
The inaugural season of FOF raised $10,000 for #Hear4u.
Funding has been implemented into its pre-existing advocacy service, Cyclone Gabrielle healing initiatives and scholarships for frock stars.
“It’s about giving back to those who already give so much” Krissy said.
The first FOF event for season two was a sip and swap evening attended by over 70 wāhine.
Tairāwhiti Environment Centre (TEC) aptly provided the venue which, in turn, raised awareness about how individuals can contribute and align with the “circular fashion” model that is about increasing sustainability in the fashion industry and reducing landfill.
TEC permanently houses a “frock swap” rack to support the kaupapa of sustainability and FOF.
“Having the permanent swap rack at TEC enables absolutely anyone to participate by providing free access to dresses — even if they have nothing to swap yet,” Jo said.
Several more racks were added to the collection at the sip and swap evening. It enabled frock stars adorned in their varying array of favourites to bring in other garments they were ready to part with to swap for something new for their wardrobe.
Signing in on arrival put attendees into a draw to win an Evolution on Gladstone voucher kindly donated by owner and manager Jenna McGuffog in support of FOF.
The FOF evening coincided with the Gumboot Friday national day on which New Zealanders are encouraged to wear gumboots and donate a gold coin to support those dealing with mental health challenges.
There were several combinations of frocks and gumboots at the FOF evening.
Local radio presenter Bevan Chapman supported the cause by posting a photo of himself sporting a pink dress and gumboots on his MORE FM Facebook page.
The new season of FOF is bringing about a new directive towards supporting and valuing wāhine in our community who are often the pillars of strength in supporting tāne through mental health-related journeys.
This season, #Hear4u is offering frock stars the opportunity to sign up for different wellbeing workshops and programmes supporting wāhine in their self-care and mental health wellness.
“We want to acknowledge and celebrate the wāhine toa of Tairāwhiti who carry, love and raise up our tāne, our blokes,” Krissy said.
“The ability to offer these workshops has been made possible by utilising a portion of some funding from the Ministry for Primary Industries and from a generous donation made by the ‘band with no name’. “
The five-piece band, managed by now National MP and mental health awareness advocate Dana Kirpatrick, raised $55,000 from concerts in Gisborne and Hamilton following Cyclone Gabrielle.
Band members unanimously decided on #Hear4u as the recipient of the funds.
The FOF season is running over 18 Fridays.
To join in the fun while supporting mental health awareness in Tairāwhiti, visit the Frocks on Friday (Gisborne NZ) Facebook page which has 2000 members.
For those not on Facebook, email for any updates or event information.