Mrs Valler said they had been lucky with the weather.
The children have enjoyed the rock pools, playing board games, rugby, soccer, cricket and swimming.
Another fun activity was climbing Mokotahi Hill, Mrs Valler said.
“We climbed that huge one,” said Connor.
It was their last day at Māhia when the Herald visited.
The family was planning to spend the whole day at the beach, Mrs Valler said.
The Mather family from Mohaka and the Mutton family from Wairoa were meeting up on a day trip to Māhia.
Both mums said Māhia compared favourably with their local beaches.
Diona Mather said Mohaka Beach was atrocious because of slash and debris.
Aucklander Keith Hitchcock confirmed Māhia Beach was good news for anglers.
“There’s plenty of fish out there.”
He has enjoyed fishing with Cameron Hislop on his boat Reel Magic.
Keith and Angie Hitchcock and their son Lachlan are spending four or five days at Mahia and are staying at Mahanga.
“The weather has been really lovely,” said Angie.
“It’s perfect timing,” said Keith.