Makarika 1035 Bridge/Golfcourse Road, Te Puia Springs — work has started this week to strengthen the abutments and add resilience via a sheet pile wall and rock bags.
Bruce Road crossing — consultation is under way with affected landowners around the temporary crossing site. Work is expected to start within two weeks.
Burgess Crossing Pehiri — further resilience work and metalling of approach roads will be undertaken next week to improve access.
Flood remediation will continue next week on Bushy Knoll Road, Wharekopae Road, Ruakaka Road, Paparatu Road, Waimaha Road and Kanakanaia Road.
Roadworks around the district:
■ Hikurangi region
Drainage work, including water tabling, culvert clearing and slip removal, will continue at Cross Road, Mangaoporo Road, Lottin Point Road, and Pōtikirua Road next week along with some road widening (retreats), and dropout repairs where required before the metal gets laid.
Waione Road — slip clearing, water tabling, road widening (retreats) and culvert clearing have started this week and will likely extend into next week.
Wharekahika Road — river scour protection continues; however, the road is open to all traffic. Remediation will continue until the end of the month.
Wharf Road (Hicks Bay) — slip clearing should be completed this week, followed by metalling (weather dependent).
Whareponga Road — drainage improvements and slip clearing is under way, before culvert replacement and dropout repairs next week. “Residents will be accommodated during this work, but please expect some delays. This road is closed to heavy vehicles due to the Te Arai Bridge and several other faults.”
Horehore Road (Uawa) — the new road alignment, along with river scour protection utilising Kyowa Rock Bags, is well under way. Metalling was to start yesterday, along with ongoing remedial work. “The road is accessible to 4WD vehicles, but please expect 20-minute delays until the end of the month.”
■ Uawa region
Makarika Bridge No.2/ford crossing — rain last week made it difficult to create the new ford crossing. Designs have been finalised for the temporary props to support the bridge while remedial work takes place. The construction crew plans to instal these and begin remediation after King’s Birthday weekend. The props/braces will allow pedestrian access and sheep to cross the bridge.
“The Karewa crossing is recommended at this stage; however, please try to cross during low flow conditions, and keep an eye on the weather forecast.”
Ihungia Road (Upper) — heavy metalling, starting from Puketoro Station and working towards the lower Ihungia, was to begin yesterday and take about four weeks.
Mata Road (Lower) — heavy metalling was to start at the 16km Mata Road yesterday and take about one week. “This crew will then move to Fernside Road and Tuakau Road, each taking about one week to complete.”
Waitahaia Road — from 5km, this road is closed to heavy traffic. “If you require access, this is by appointment in fine weather only. Work is scheduled to remove silt and repair dropouts towards the end of the month.”
Waipiro Road/Kopuaroa Road — flood remediation and drainage work has been ongoing; some of the more significant dropouts were to be addressed from yesterday. The road status is residents only at this stage. “By next week we should be able to provide more definitive time frames around durations of this work.”
■ Waipaoa region
Four roads in the Waipaoa region still rely on river crossings until temporary access can be restored. These crossings require continual maintenance to keep them accessible during low-flow conditions.
Whakarau Road — from yesterday crews will be water tabling, culvert jetting and heavy metalling. Traffic management will be in place, expect delays. This work will take 3-4 weeks.
Waimata Valley — metalling began yesterday and heavy vehicles heading to and from Hokoroa should expect delays.
Bellerby Road — flood remediation will be a priority next week, with drainage and culvert clearing scheduled. This work will take 1-2 weeks to complete.
Te Kowhai Road — work is under way on the road retreat where the river has taken the road at 1.3km. This road is closed, but residents have access via the causeway. This work is expected to continue until after King’s Birthday weekend.