The mahi for Tangatarite to beome a service as part of the Te Ao Mārama vision for the Gisborne District Court was celebrated and acknowledged yesterday by those working to see change in the justice system.
Tangatarite is the name for the Whakaorangia te Mana Tangata service here in Tairāwhiti. It has been set up by Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui a Kiwa after local iwi were asked if they would support the Te Ao Mārama vision.
Whakaorangia te Mana Tangata is a whānau-centred initiative designed and provided by local iwi or iwi-mandated service providers, to support Māori offenders, victims and whānau through the court process.
The overarching aims of the Whakaorangia te Mana Tangata initiative are to reduce imprisonment rates for Māori in target courts by providing judges with better information about offenders’ backgrounds, circumstances and facts contributing to reoffending, as well as the support available and plans to address those factors.
As well as aiming to reduce reoffending rates for Māori in the target courts by supporting community involvement, the initiative also aims to provide wraparound services for participants, keeping whānau together and humanising the court experience — seeing people in a context that is wider than their alleged offence.