A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Re: ‘Undermining democracy', Jan 13, and ‘We want to see equity', Jan 14.
A big shout out to Josh as well as Aimee Milne, Lara Meyer and Maree Conaglen — mighty waahine toa who have publicly expressed their condemnation of and opposition to the racist petition against Maori wards driven
by “Hobbie's hobos” (the Hobson's Pledge cartel) and local white supremacy supporters. Brown lives do matter and it makes a big difference that these protectors, bar Josh, are all Pakeha. They have stepped up to the challenge. Keep it up.
Let's join forces, Maori and Pakeha together, and dismantle this Trumpian scourge-like phenomena creeping into our rohe.
Kia kaha e hine ma (Forever strong)
Wally Te Ua