“After the sweeping reforms of Pae Ora, it is good to see that Labour continues to value the healthcare of all New Zealanders.
“Scrapping the $5 prescription charge that has been a barrier for many low-income, Māori, Pasifika and disabled people will help reduce the disparities they face in our current health system.
“More than $1 billion for the health workforce, more nurses and midwives, reducing waiting lists and lifting immunisation and screening will all have a significant impact on whānau.”
“I welcome the commitment to Māori in this Budget, including through increased support for Whānau Ora, the Māori justice model Te Ao Marama, and Māori education.
“I hope that the plans for Māori housing will acknowledge the expertise of groups such as Toitū Tairāwhiti and the Waimana Housing Programme to ensure more whānau and hapū benefit.
“There will be many disappointed with the lack of climate action in the Budget.
“The capital budget the Government has set aside for the cyclone recovery will make a huge difference to affected communities.
“It must be used to support the development of a resilient, green economy for all, as identified in the land use inquiry report published last week.
“We have now seen the very real impacts of climate change across the mōtu as cyclones and flooding damage homes and destroy livelihoods. We cannot keep delaying the necessary Government interventions that will prevent this from happening again.
“We can, and should, take this opportunity to build back better in a way that contributes significantly to our emissions reductions targets, before it is too late.”
“Given the cost of living crisis affecting so many New Zealanders, many will wonder how this Budget will help them put food on the table and pay their bills.
“Increasing funding for Warmer Kiwi Homes will help to reduce power bills. Households with children will find some relief in the introduction of zero and halved fees for our rāngatahi, and in increased coverage of early childhood care.
“Labour has made a start in allocating our Budget to the things that matter most for long-term good. To reach the outcomes we all want to see, with all New Zealanders supported to live with dignity, our taxation rules must shift to support our shared goals.”
“I look forward to a Labour, Greens and Te Pāti Māori Coalition Government that will put this Budget into action and build on this foundation to create a new kind of economy, based on the public good.”