Gisborne-based Independent MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere says the cost of funerals is too high in New Zealand and contributes to “funeral poverty”.
Speaking in the House, which resumed this week, Dr Kerekere said,”severe weather events are having an impact on tangihanga and funerals in areas such as Te Tai Rāwhiti, where we must pay to reluctantly cremate our loved ones, because the high water table precludes burials, potentially for months.
“The average cost of a funeral in Aotearoa is $10,000 and it is a burden too high for many of our whānau.”
The Burial and Cremation Act 1964 was outdated, and many community advocates had identified other issues which also contributed to funeral poverty.
Associate Minister of Health (Pacific Peoples) Barbara Edmonds told Dr Kerekere the Government planned no review of the Act this term.