Kelly was originally going to shave her hair to a No.2 but decided that since so many people had donated so much money, she would go with a No.1 instead.
She said the live shave event was great.
“We set up a corner in our dining room for the shave and Zoom call.
She was joined by her family and friends who all had a go at cutting and then shaving her hair.
The host of the live shave event spun a wheel which decided on the shave hairstyle. All 20 participants started by shaving their head into the “half wit” style where half their heads were shaved and the other half left alone.
Seven Sharp co-presenter Hilary Barry hosted the live shave and in a brief chat with Kelly learned about her work with patients and whanau affected by blood cancers in Gisborne.
“We only had a quick chat. She asked what I would say to others thinking about doing the shave to which I replied ‘do it',” Kelly said.
It's awesome to have such a great ambassador for the charity.”
There is still time to donate on the Shave for a Cure website. Type in Kelly Norris to search, or go to