OPSM dispensing optician Kelly Knight said it was good to be back in business offering routine tests and other services that had not been available.
“I have been busy during the lockdown taking phone calls, keeping in touch and allaying fears about vision.”
“We are basically back to normal business with social-distancing, hygiene and control measures.
“We have had to reschedule 70 customers who had appointments during the lockdown.
There is a pre-screening waiting area as people come in. They are asked the appropriate information concerning health and travel to ascertain risk.
Contact tracing of patients, staff and visitors is carried out as stipulated by the Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board, said Ms Knight.
Specsavers will also screen and contact-trace patients, practice social-distancing and provide sanitiser and frames and surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day.
If you have an eyecare need and do not wish to come in store, OPSM has recently launched a Tele-Optometry service that gives people remote access to essential optometry services, no matter where they are.
You can book a video consultation with an OPSM optometrist from home.