A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
EIGHT “digi-mamas” graduated on Friday from Tairawhiti REAP’s Computers in Homes Digi-Mama programme.
The Kaiti women made up the first intake for the course that gave them skills in the use of software such as Microsoft Office and furnished each of them with a refurbished laptop.
“The aim of the
course is to get mums more confident with computers,” said Tairawhiti REAP Tumuaki/executive director Ani Pahuru-Huriwai.
“This is our first roll-out of graduates from our digi-mama programme. The programme is now running at Tikitiki School, we have classes running in Onepoto and Hicks Bay, and two are starting in Uawa in two weeks time. Two more courses will be held in Kaiti by June.”
By then, 100 participants will have been through the programme, a collaboration between Tairawhiti REAP, 20/20 Trust, ECT and Hauora Tairawhiti.