Understanding the mechanisms behind these “tightly coupled” and “loosely coupled” zones along the length of the subduction fault is important for New Zealand and the rest of the world.
The co-leader of the operation, Phil Barnes of NIWA, said sophisticated instruments get valuable information from the boreholes drilled into the subduction zone.
Scientists will spend months analysing this information to better understand the conditions inside the fault zone, he said.
The JOIDES Resolution has been in New Zealand waters for 18 months conducting a series of expeditions, en route to Antarctica to find out how warming oceans will affect ice sheets, sea level and global weather systems.
A fresh group of 30 scientists from 11 countries boarded the ship over the past two days and set off from Lyttelton on Sunday for the Ross Sea, to spend nine weeks drilling holes in the sea floor to examine polar climatic conditions going back 20 million years.
When the JOIDES Resolution returns from the Ross Sea in early March, it will stop at Lyttelton again, pick up a fresh crew of scientists, then head back to the East Coast for a further probe of the Hikurangi subduction zone east of Gisborne.
It operates under the 23-nation International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP), of which New Zealand is a member.
New Zealand takes part in the IODP through a consortium of research organisations in New Zealand and Australia, including GNS Science, NIWA, The University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, and the University of Otago.