Despite the heat, New Zealand Fire and Emergency rate the fire risk for most of the district as “moderate”, based on data supplied by Niwa (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research).
Currently only the coastal area of Tokomaru Bay to Ruatoria has a fire risk rated as “high”, but with grasses and undergrowth rapidly drying out, the need to take care not to start a fire is being widely publicised nationally.
So far this month, rain has been notably absent — with a few millimetres only, for a grand total of 5.1mm so far.
However, in the past few days MetService’s outlook sees the end of the current hot weather, and the agency was forecasting rain and possible thunderstorms for the district, as of last night.
Further rain is expected over the week, with the possibility of heavy falls by Friday.
Meanwhile, water off local beaches has warmed to a comfortable level, with the sea temperature just topping 20 degrees yesterday and Sunday.