In March the council’s operations committee approved in principle an intention to grant a new land-only lease for a term of 21 years, and the decision was notified for public comment.
Two submissions, both opposing any new lease, have been received.
Both submitters have asked to speak at the council’s hearings committee meeting tomorrow, when the matter will be considered.
The new lease, if granted, would cover the footprint of the club’s building and storage shed, and land area directly outside club buildings to store yachts, utilising, in total, 1773 square metres.
The previous lease included the boat ramp which was available for public use.
The staff report on the hearing said the club struggled to maintain the boat ramp due to damage from the public.
Ms Gibson, in her written submission, said the Ngati Oneone tribal area ranged from Pouawa stream to Te Toka a Taiau, (Turanganui River)
The first and second Te Poho o Rawiri pa were both located in the Hirini Street area.
Ngati Oneone had been displaced from their lands.
“Apart from the land where Te Poho o Rawiri pa currently stands, Ngati Oneone have almost been eased from their papakainga with no visibility along the whole foreshore.”
Ngati Oneone opposed the granting of a new lease and wanted the council to return any land formerly owned by the hapu.
The other submitter, Yvonne Bishop, said any lease would not benefit the hapu.
She questioned how the yacht club got its original lease.
Another seven-year lease with two rights of renewal would be “absolutely another abomination to Maori” and many other local users.
Ms Bishop described the area as “the last small piece of our taonga that has not been tainted for the benefit of those small groups or clubs who are alien to the whenua, and are self-serving.”
She would rather see a barbecue area with tables and chairs and a playground.
“At least have a conversation.”
The hearings committee will make a recommendation to the council based on their deliberations of submissions whether the lease should proceed to be granted (either with or without special conditions) or declined.