We should not be persuaded by the crocodile tears from Joe Biden or those of his Democrat predecessor Barack Obama professing they have been and always will be right behind the Israeli nation as they try to find a way of defending themselves against this monstrous invasion sponsored and possibly engineered by Iran.
The blood of all those Israeli dead will be on the US president’s hands as he disingenuously attempts to show his support for the victims of this outrageous incursion.
I say that because, on examination, this apparent failure of US and Israeli intelligence to keep a track on terrorist movements during the planning months of this latest attack has all the hallmarks of distraction and misinterpretation of information as it came to hand.
It is astonishing that the most sophisticated intelligence gathering system known to man failed to the extent that we are being led to believe.
In my humble opinion, there was a failure to pass on to the Israelis vital information that suggested something was brewing, which would have at least put their border troops and Iron Dome defence batteries on high alert.