Re: Worship Services page, July 29 Christian Comment.
I challenge Esther Henderson’s Saturday Christian Comment opinion on Genesis’s Biblical account of creation regarding, “Be fruitful and increase in number”, stewardship, exploiting the Earth and its resources etc.
I am an elderly, casual church-goer and don’t wholeheartedly accept all holy Bible scripture. People today are becoming more and more concerned with the environment and what humans are doing to it. For many, including Christians, this issue has become very emotional.
There may be black-and-white issues. However, some things are so varied and complex, often involving wayward human behaviour and motives, that black-and-white answers may be risky and hard to find. Sincere, Bible-believing Christians may end up on opposing sides of such issues.
Regarding issues like mining, land clearance, logging, ocean exploitation, nuclear issues, etc, we usually have more questions than answers. Often we do not have enough information to ask the right questions. We need to gather and carefully assess all the information possible in our attempt to resolve these issues. Instead of blanket rules applied indiscriminately, we must fall back on principles.