“The ukulele makes learning and being musical doable for anyone who’s keen. When we play and sing at the same time it’s good for the mind and the spirit, whatever your age.”
Gisborne Ukulele Underground (GUU) formed two years ago when Gisborne ukulele aficionados Scott Casley, Mike Eriksen, Sheridan Gundry and Keren Rickard built into their application for Creative Communities funding for the 2015 workshops, a monthly event of ukulele-based performances and strum/singalongs.
Beginners become performersGUU now regularly attracts 80 or more people to Gisborne Bowling Club on the last Friday of each month. Keren Rickard provides tuition. Beginners have become performers.
Westie uke trio The Nukes performed in Gisborne last year and ran ukulele workshops.
A special Youth Ukers night in June attracted a large crowd of young performers.
Gisborne artist Brian Campbell created artwork for the GUU T-shirt.
GUU has been fortunate to have the support of Gisborne’s Drew Kirk and The Music Room, which provides music vouchers and a ukulele as spot prizes each month, Gundry said.
“Ukulele Underground is definitely not just for ukulele players. People can strum, sing, perform or just sit back and watch. A ukulele is an optional extra. The audience is always supportive.”
Wairoa performers regularly come to Gisborne each month and this year ukulele players from Opotiki are making the trip.
GUU will be held on August 25 at the Gisborne Bowling Club at 7.30pm.
A few spaces remain for Tony Hansen’s Gisborne workshop on August 26. For further information, email Sheridan at write@gems.co.nz.