Sue Wilson isn’t one to sit on her hands. Despite her own property and surrounding roads and infrastructure being hit in back-to-back weather events, her first thought was for others.
She is the administrator for the Wairoa Community Development Trust and event manager for the cancelled East Coast Farming Expo. “When that had to be cancelled I offered to help the Wairoa District Council with PIM (Public Information Management) in the Civil Defence-declared emergency.
“I needed to keep busy,” she says.
That included taking photographs to record the response and recovery by Wairoa District Council, making sandwiches for the volunteers and displaced whānau at Hinemihi Marae, baking goodies to send out with those doing welfare checks on the farming community, and organising the Rural Wairoa Backyard Barbecue, among other things.
“Cancelling the expo after 12 months of planning was pretty huge and there were so many people who needed support so I moved into organising events to connect farmers.”