Sharing the thoughts and feelings of the Te Araroa community where a barge facility has been proposed is the main purpose of the short film Te Huka o Te Tai.
Keeti Ngatai-Melbourne, 22, (Te Whānau a Hinerupe, Ngāti Porou) is from Te Araroa and came up with the idea last year.
Te Huka o Te Tai was selected and commissioned through Someday Stories, an annual collection of six social and sustainability-focused short films made by Aotearoa’s emerging filmmakers.
“This is something we have been fighting against for the past decade. It’s been reported about in the news, but I wanted to capture what the news doesn’t — the heart of the community, the emotions the community is dealing with, and the hurt we have been going through for the last decade dealing with this kaupapa,” Keeti said.
The film showcases the haukainga (the home people) and their fight against the planned barge facility.