“People they’ve shared the idea with say they’ve never heard of a hospital event like it in New Zealand and to let them know how it goes so they can repeat it, ” Ms Gooch said.
Organisers are hoping that more than 300 Gisborne Hospital nurses and other staff will visit the two-day event in and around the Poutama Room at the hospital, on April 16 and 17.
Primary health care and community health service staff from around the rohe have also been invited.
Gisborne Hospital Skills-a-Thon stall-holders so far include nurses working in ostomy, incontinence, infection control, vaccination, and bowel screening.
“There is real pride in what stall-holders want to share,” Ms Gooch said.
“We have amazing nurses with so much knowledge and skill.
“We also have a number of company reps who want to showcase products that we are using in the hospital.”
Ms Gooch says the skills-a-thon is a unique way to deliver education opportunities to nurses who have trained overseas, nurses who have only ever worked in one area, as well as other interested healthcare professionals.
“On the day, we want people to feel like they’ve learned something new and to be able to bond with staff they don’t normally see during their own shift.
“Gisborne Hospital hires staff with high standards and excellence in practice, and the skills-a-thon cements that.”
There is still space for anyone from any specialty who wants to exhibit a team-specific skill, piece of equipment or process.
“If you’re proud of what you and your team do, then this is the time to share it with all of us.
“We want to make this multidisciplinary.”
Stall holders are getting creative with their exhibitions and taking a leaf out of what they have seen at conferences, expos, and even the Farmers’ Market.
“We know there’ll be giveaways, maybe a competition or two, and of course snacks and treats to entice visitors to stalls.”