Mr O’Neil said HortNZ has provided raw data to MPI, which was reflected in the Treasury Report on the impact, worked with the Boston Consulting Group and the Hawke’s Bay Grower Taskforce on their respective reports and provided input into the Trust Tairāwhiti report.
In addition the HortNZ president and board have met with many growers to understand their needs, and have reflected these back to Ministers and senior officials.
The HortNZ chief executive and other senior HortNZ staff have attended numerous meetings with Ministers and MPI officials.
“Daily meetings took place with officials at the start and these meetings continue several times a week,” Mr O’Neil said.
“Phone calls take place several times a day. The HortNZ chief executive and other senior HortNZ staff have also attended numerous taskforce type meetings with the various groups set up in Hawke’s Bay, Tairāwhiti and Northland to respond to Government requests for information and outline what is needed for the recovery.
“For the Agriculture Minister to say HortNZ has not provided the Government with answers and information was disingenuous.”