A whole lot of horsepower of the non-equine variety will be on display this King’s Birthday weekend as part of a fundraiser for Gisborne Riding for the Disabled (RDA).
Surf City Rod and Custom Club is putting on the display which will feature an impressive line-up of hotrods, muscle cars, bikes and more.
Gisborne RDA is a non-profit organisation that relies on fundraising events like this one to operate.
It is part of NZRDA. They cater for a diverse range of riders. It is run by a committed group of staff, committee and volunteers who provide sessions designed to enhance and improve physical, psychological and social abilities as well as provide recreational and educational opportunities through horse riding.
The Gisborne RDA Horsepower Show is being held at the A&P Showgrounds Equestrian Centre Makaraka, Saturday June 3 , 9am-7pm and Sunday June 4, 9am-5pm. Entry: $2 adults, $1 child, $5 family of four.