As if confirmation were needed, it is now without doubt the Jacinda Ardern era has been one of the most incompetent and wasteful — laden with hot-air promises of little subsequent or purposeful action.
On Thursday, the most ill-conceived, ill-prepared, ill-executed government in NZ’s history admitted it had broken its own “climate law”.
Dubbed by Ardern as “her generation’s nuclear-free moment”, it highlights how many of the public have been duped by this band of ideologically driven zealots, many of which are so poorly performing that were they a racehorse they would’ve long ago been sent to the glue factory.
Trumpeting school lunches and 81 percent receiving direct govt handouts does not balance the generational financial, cultural and societal damage this Govt has done to this country.
And to add to the mire, we now have two of the main protagonists publicly at loggerheads over the direction of this Govt’s tax policy, with the leader of the party behaving like a dictator. The last time we saw this level of disunity was in the Labour govt of the late 1980s.