Earlier this year the duo placed 11th out of 18 in the adult duo division at the 2023 Hip Hop Unite World Championships in Obidos, Portugal.
The champs featured representatives from 17 countries.
Team NZ had a contingent of 99 dancers hailing from the North and South islands.
“We performed a haka as a group to open the competition,” Ashwell said.
The incredibly high standard was motivating for them and both said it was great to see what the other dancers could do.
Portugal won their section.
“We had a blast representing Gisborne and NZ on the world stage,” Ashwell said
“We hope to try our luck again next year if we are lucky enough to qualify at the national competition,” Hawaikirangi said.
“We learned heaps and got to meet like-minded people from all across the globe.
“Thank you to everyone who has helped us in any way, big or small, and followed us on our journey to the world stage.”
The dancers are also making a name for themselves as choreographers and will be working on the Gisborne Centre Stage Theatre Group production of Ladies Night.
They choreographed the recent School of Rock show for Musical Theatre Gisborne and are lined up to choreograph the show We Will Rock You for Centre Stage next year.