Our former Prime Minister Dame Jacinda Ardern, a current trustee of the Earthshot board, told media at the Earthshot Prize awards ceremony in Singapore last month that Earthshot had amplified the solutions to fight climate change. She was quoted as saying “we need speed and pace and Earthshot focuses on providing both”.
Today marks the third anniversary of New Zealand’s declaration of a climate emergency.
Addressing the House on December 2, 2020, Prime Minister Ardern said, “this declaration is an acknowledgment of the next generation: an acknowledgment of the burden that they will carry if we do not get this right and if we do not take action now.”
On December 16, 2020, in response to that declaration, I founded my company Climate Vision (formerly IwiTech), a Maori kaupapa social enterprise, to take my “From Hill to Fill” biofuel project from dream to deployment.
Imagine you are in the Mangatu forest. A mobile modular biorefinery pulls into a landing recently vacated by a cable harvesting crew. A work crew of drones, each with AI robotics capability and 200kg lifting capacity, are unleashed to scour the hills for slash left by the harvesting operation.