“The rain hasn’t reached the intensities forecast but it has been consistent over the past three days and it’s filling up our waterways and overwhelming the wastewater pipes.
“We are watching river levels and land movement closely as the ground is completely saturated.”
Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty flew into Gisborne last night to support the region and was being shown around by Mayor Rehette Stoltz today.
Over the past seven days, 546mm of rain has been recorded inland from Ruatoria, with around 240mm in the city.
The region’s water table is higher than the ground level in many parts resulting in surface flooding.
“We’re also hearing reports of drivers trying to access our rural road network. This is unsafe.
“Please, stay home and delay all travel if you can. There are 46 local road closures on top of what was already closed following Cyclone Gabrielle.
“The faults coming through on our road network are increasing with severity with washouts, slumping and slips being reported to Civil Defence.
“We’ve had more slips around Whataupoko overnight, and concrete bollards have been installed to stabilise some sections.”
Mr Green says it’s been a slow-moving weather event with land movement the biggest concern.
“If you’re on a hilly section check your land. Please get in touch if you notice any cracks, creaking noises, doors sticking in your home or retaining walls leaning.”
SH2 north is closed overnight from Whatatutu Road, and SH35 will close between Okitu and Ruatorea at 5pm tonight reopening at 8am tomorrow.
Planned convoys through SH2 north were cancelled today due to severe cracking on Otoko Hill.
Advice from the Ministry of Health on how to make a temporary toilet is available on Council’s website.
River levels are being updated every half an hour on Council’s website.
“If you live close to a river and you’re concerned, do not wait for an official evacuation notice.”
Check Tairāwhiti Civil Defence Facebook page for updates.
People wishing to sign up to receive flood alerts can do so through the Council website
Please report any damage by filing a request for service by using the GDC FIX app on any smartphone, calling us on 0800 653 800, email service@gdc.govt.nz or via the eFix service on Council’s website
Check local roads on Council’s website
Check Waka Kotahi for State Highway updates.