“It will get the views of the sun rising over the ocean on the east,” said Mr Barraclough.
It’s quite a process involved to consecrate a stupa, with special lamas coming from overseas and bringing with them holy objects, and also using some that are made locally.
In addition to the stupa, there will be a residential development for people to stay in during retreats and activities related to the temple.
These buildings will be located at the top of the site.
“The southern face that goes down to the beach will be planted out like a park where people can go and walk around.”
On the lower northern side, there are plans for a residential subdivision to be sold on the open market.
Mr Barraclough said the consenting process with Gisborne District Council could take two more years.
Palpung Thubten Chokyi Ghatsal Tibetan Buddhist Institute in Auckland has already built eight smaller versions of these monuments, which are just six metres high.
“The one in Gisborne we’re proposing to be more like 20, but of course that all depends on the consent process and whether it gets dropped down”.
Barraclough said they have been in contact with local iwi and hapū.
The local hapū Ngāti Oneone, who have their marae in Kaiti, has expressed reservations about the stupa.
Ngāti Oneone director Charlotte Gibson said they have held a hui with the group.
“We made recommendations; they didn’t like what we had to say, and (we) have never been back.”
Mr Barraclough said “we have tried directly and indirectly to arrange to meet with them to discuss it but they have declined”.
Initial plans were for the stupa to be 27 metres high. Coverage of the plan in The Gisborne Herald prompted many letters to the editor.
Readers Isaac Campbell and Kevin Thompson endorsed the monument saying it was a religion that aims to unite and eliminate suffering.
Mr Campbell said, “A Buddhist temple would be a place for people of all religions and ethnicities to voluntarily come together to connect and learn new ways of thinking” .
Correspondents S Barton and Lisa Daunton did not see the purpose of a Buddhist monument in Gisborne.
“A stupa is a Buddhist burial mound . . . and as such it has no daily purpose for the vast majority of our local population,” said S Barton.
“We are a Christian-established nation,” Arthur Baker said
According to The Electorate Profile statistics in 2018, 34 percent of people on the East Coast have Christian beliefs, while Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies are at 7.6 percent.
The Buddhist population on the East Coast is at 0.3 percent and 48 percent of people on the East Coast have no religious beliefs.