The offer, made during bargaining facilitated by the Employment Relations Authority, would take the salary for teachers on the top pay rate to $100,000 by the end of 2024 — an 11 percent increase for the estimated two-thirds of secondary teachers on the top rate, the ministry said.
“PPTA Te Wehengarua members are committed to achieving a collective agreement that meets the needs of secondary education, in particular one that will help stem the flow of secondary teachers leaving the profession and attract people into secondary teaching,” acting PPTA president Chris Abercrombie said.
The national executive would seek feedback from members this week to inform a decision to be made this weekend on next steps.
In the meantime, lower level industrial action will continue.
“This includes PPTA Te Wehengarua members not giving up their scheduled planning and marking time to do relief and not attending meetings outside regular school hours. The rostering home action — not teaching certain year levels on certain days — will continue too,” a PPTA spokesperson said.