If you are wondering why Hamas launched its all-out assault on Israel on Saturday, I wrote it here last week. “The Arab world has basically abandoned the Palestinians to their fate, whatever that may be. Six Arab countries have established diplomatic ties with Israel and several more, including Saudi Arabia, are on the brink of doing so.”
Hamas’s leaders desperately want to recover the de facto veto that Palestinians once had on the concessions other Arabs make to Israel, and this is the only way they might get it.
The “mighty vengeance” Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promises to rain down on the Gaza Strip is exactly what Hamas actually wants. The whole point is to get the Israelis to send its soldiers in on the ground, because that’s when the casualties start going up steeply.
Hamas doesn’t care if 10 Palestinians die for every Israeli in the forthcoming “operation” (which is what will happen, because Israel’s weapons are vastly superior and the fighting will be in densely populated civilian areas). The dead Palestinians will all be “martyrs”, and their deaths will freeze Israel’s peace initiatives with other Arab countries.
The commanders of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) understand all this, but the political leaders whom they must obey desperately need to wreak a “mighty vengeance” on Gaza. At least 600 Israeli civilians have been killed in their cars, at a music festival or in their homes, and the Israeli public expects and will accept nothing less than the traditional 10-to-one kill ratio. (It’s taboo to say that publicly, but everybody knows it’s true.)