“It's a message that has come through loud and clear during my discussions across the East Coast.
Ms Tapsell said the Government had failed to deal with the crisis.
“Labour scrapped the Meth Action Plan 2020, which National had put in place to deal with the issue.
“Adequate resources are vital to dealing with this crisis and protecting our families.
“Tairawhiti police should be resourced to have a dedicated organised crime unit to disrupt the operation of gangs who are pushing meth into our community and target the proceeds of crime.
“Police should have greater powers to search the homes and cars of violent gang members for firearms.
“We need a coordinated effort across police and health services to deal with the issue, to support victims of meth, including those who want to get off the addictive drug.
“National is committed to expanding the use of specialist courts like drug and alcohol courts, which help offenders deal with their addiction issues.”