The sale average was $15,640.
“It was a great sale,” Dean said.
“It’s always good to get a few away to other studs, and good to see them go to good places.
“To sell almost of them was also very pleasing,” he said.
“We’re all happy. It’s good to get the sale done.”
Auctioneer Neville Clark said all round it was a very good sale.
“The highlight was definitely getting six away to stud.
“The commercial buyers were also getting good bulls for the right sort of money.
“Plus we had more than a hundred people viewing the sale on line via Bidr which was great to see.”
PGG Wrightson Genetics representative Emma Pollitt pointed to the very strong local and national support.
“The number of stud bulls sold demonstrates the faith other stud breeders have in Dean’s programme.
“It goes to show the degree of faith they have in his stockmanship,” she said.
“It was a bloody good show!”
Tangihau puts up a “charity bull” each year with the proceeds going to a range of charities over the years.
This year Lot 39 sold for $5000, and the money will go to support the Land Search and Rescue organisation in Tairawhiti.
Kaharau Angus sold their bulls last night, and their report will be in tomorrow’s Herald.