In addidtion to residential property damage claims, 582 claims were made for contents damage and ICNZ confirmed 529 had been resolved, with payouts totalling $11.1m.
A large number of business insurance claims were also made. Of the 715 claims, 529 had been resolved, resulting in payouts of $12.725m
Motor insurance claims paid out to date amount to $4.135m, with 352 out of 389 claims resolved.
Marine insurance claims paid out amount to $39,373, with two out of four claims resolved.
Other insurance claims paid out to-date amount to $794,722, with all but one of the 40 claims resolved.
Nationally, insurers have fully settled 87 percent of all private insurance claims from the Auckland Anniversary weekend and Cyclone Gabrielle weather events.
The two events are separately the two largest insurance weather events in the nation’s history. Insurers have settled 99,798 of 115,353 claims valued at $3.6bn.
“The $2.7 billion paid out to December 1 covers 87 percent of claims by volume and around 75 percent by value,” Mr Grafton said.
By value, residential house claims are 84 percent, contents 95 percent and motor 99 percent fully settled.
“The nature of business interruption claims means payments are spread over time and so progress is tracking as expected (75 percent by number and 57 percent by value).”