Re: No reason to fiddle with major city road, November 28 column.
Roger, my word, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet around change. If you haven’t noticed (but you more than likely have, apparently) our city is in dire need of some aroha.
This project has been in the works for well over a year, and is a step in the right direction around injecting some colour, vibrancy and life into an area in the central business district.
I’m no business expert Roger, but logic leans to more inviting business areas meaning more foot traffic, more potential customers for businesses, more income for the businesses, and a more prosperous economy.
In reference to your question, “So Mr Ngata is a transport/road safety expert?” — yes, Roger, as unbelievable as it is, I am. I’m normally not one to list my varied credentials in this manner because I believe being humble in your abilities is advantageous. But here we go . . .