They also know there is a big divide between building infrastructure owned by Kiwi taxpayers and offering more expensive public-private partnerships so corporate co-governing partners can make profits or even take tolls.
National’s latest offer to work in a bipartisan relationship is nothing more than a cynical, grandstanding attempt to fool the public. They have already shown that they aren’t willing to work with others and are determined to do things their way.
Mary-Ann de Kort
Labour a bit rattled
Intelligent readers will be accustomed to the regular misinformation posted by some leftie writers to the Gisborne Herald.
Many letters are copied and pasted from fellow diehard lefties on Facebook. Some of these keyboard warriors make a living from posting drivel many times a day and have the audacity to ask followers to “donate” on a regular basis so they can live a charmed life in cyberspace.
One guy even lives on Waiheke Island, regularly posting of dining at local cafes and then nek minute he’s asking for donations like he’s some kind of charity. Scam alert.
Anyway, it would appear Ginny Andersen and Chris Hipkins have fallen into the trap of believing everything they see on FB.
On 1News on Wednesday night, Andersen tried to discredit official stats that police numbers on the beat had increased in recent times. By 10% actually. She doubled down on her misinformation, as did her boss Chippy.
Duh. They were both made to look like amateurs and rookies by the reporter.
I guess they’re a bit rattled that there’s finally some doey rather than just hui.
Rolly Hay
More competition welcome
Re: Call goes out for multiple tenderers, August 30.
This is a good start to reducing the huge waste of ratepayer and taxpayer money due to the duopoly Downer/Fulton Hogan that currently operates on the local roads.
I’m not saying that both companies are not competent contractors but they have been allowed to operate in a non-efficient manner for too long at our expense.
Just talk to and watch the subcontractors who are already doing most of the smaller jobs. Their machines are working all hours and manned by much smaller crews while the other two pick the eyes out of the big contracts.
Time for a re-examination of the tendering process across the whole country. You will be amazed at how much we could save.
Clive Bibby
Repair scheduled ...
Re: Swerving side to side at Manutuke, August 29.
I have already placed a request for service for this job weeks back. See below the reply from the contractor:
Kia ora, Thank you for your Request for Service with regards to the potholes on Waingake Road. Please be advised that we have scheduled repair of these potholes in our August programme. Please also be advised that these timeframes may vary due to weather and emergency works which will always take priority. For any urgent issues please do not hesitate to contact Gisborne District Councils customer service team at alternatively you can also call 0800 653 800 for assistance.
Ngā mihi, Fulton Hogan Maintenance Department
Karl Scragg
Accelerating restrictions
Not a new topic but one which underlines the plight of Western society today is the ongoing and accelerating restrictions on freedoms of speech and thought.
Balance and honesty are forbidden in today’s media landscape. Expressing the truth is frowned upon at best. At worst, careers are ruined.
Perhaps the worst aspect of this blight occurs at universities. Once hubs of freedom of thought and innovation, they are now producing indoctrinated students. These are the leaders of tomorrow, being programmed to deliver a narrow and restrictive future of fear and recrimination.
The New Zealand Initiative recently released research finding university administrators and student activists now see fit to protect students from “hurtful” words and ideas. The leading researcher summarised this trend: “Of course students should be safe from harassment and physical danger, but treating arguments as a hazard will inevitably reduce the scope for intellectual discussion and investigation.”
We are heading into a post-enlightenment era where freedom of speech and ideas will be condemned, and one which future generations and students of today should be very fearful of.
Those who survived the Stasi era during the last century could advise of what is to come.
Iain Boyle