The Briants in Gisborne kicked off Seeka's kiwifruit harvest on Sunday and the season could be one of the best yet, according to the company's technical specialists.
The Briants in Gisborne kicked off Seeka's kiwifruit harvest on Sunday and the season could be one of the best yet, according to the company's technical specialists.
The annual kiwifruit harvest has started in the Gisborne district with the RubyRed variety coming off the vines and hopes high it will be one of the best seasons yet.
Seeka, the largest producer of kiwifruit in New Zealand and Australia, announced on Tuesday its harvest had started here and in the Bay of Plenty.
“We are excited to get the season going and picking started on an orchard owned by the Briant brothers in Gisborne on Sunday,” Seeka client relationship manager Rochelle Brown said.
“The fruit is looking outstanding this season.”
Father-and-son-team Frank and Hamish Briant operate the orchard.
“This is their first venture into RubyRed kiwifruit, so they were excited to be first off the block,” Brown said.
Seeka’s regional orchard manager for the eastern region, Levi Ryland, said the 2025 season would hopefully be one of the best yet. “This year’s crop has had optimal growing conditions and the fruit is looking fantastic.”
Seeka chief executive Michael Franks said orchards should clear earlier this season.
“That’s following advice from our team of technical specialists. RubyRed across all regions is tracking ahead of last season in both fruit weight size and quality, signalling another promising year.
“We are ready. We have capacity plans in place, our sites are serviced and ready to receive fruit with many having automation upgrades, and we have the labour.“
A team of pickers from Thompson's Horticulture next to full bins of RubyRed kiwifruit on the Tietjen orchard.
NZ Kiwifruit Growers regional representative Tim Tietjen said the local harvest had started about a week earlier than last season.
“As the vines of this new RubyRed variety are maturing, the crop is improving,” he said. “Yield, fruit size, shape, and appearance are all much better than last year although some orchards have reported fruit dropping on the ground before harvest.”
Growers had been enjoying the improved weather patterns lately and red growers had taken the opportunity to harvest dry fruit on firm ground - a welcome change from previous seasons.
“Packhouses and labour contractors are reporting good availability of workers, which is also a nice change from the last few seasons.
“The Gold harvest is expected to start in early March, with the district’s early season KiwiStart growers likely to face increased competition from growers based in the Bay of Plenty. BoP has had a great growing season, with plenty of heat and sunshine.
“Fingers are crossed that the current weather holds and the sunshine continues to develop some great-tasting fruit.”