Ministry of Education Te Tai Whenua (Central) Deputy Secretary Jocelyn Mikaere said to offer the best quality of education, the network of state schools has to respond in areas where populations are growing, and the requirements of communities are changing.
“When overcrowding occurs or is likely to occur at a state school, an enrolment scheme for the school must be established.
“An enrolment scheme is a means of limiting the roll to prevent overcrowding at a school and enables us to make best use of the current accommodation at schools in the surrounding area. Each enrolment scheme must contain a home zone with clearly defined boundaries. Students who live in the home zone have the right to enrol at the school.
“Each year, the school board must also advertise out-of-zone enrolment information for the following year, if they have places available for out-of-zone students. The number of out-of-zone places is defined by the school’s board.
“Gisborne Intermediate School had sufficient capacity for Year 7 students, both in-zone and out-of-zone, in 2023. The school has determined that enrolments for 2024 will be limited for out-of-zone enrolments, following Ministry guidelines, to avoid overcrowding.”
The closing date for out-of-zone enrolment forms to be received by the school is October 13.
“The idea behind schemes is that students attend their local school,” Gisborne Inermediate principal Andy Hayward told The Gisborne Herald.
“As a board, we followed the correct process and determined the Year 7 out-of-zone numbers we have available.
“Yes, it can be upsetting for a family when they can’t choose any school for their child to attend, especially if they have had a history with a school. That is why the criteria for out-of-zone enrolments is linked to a family’s connection to the school.
Regardless of enrolment schemes, parents should feel confident in sending their students to any school in Gisborne.
“Every school I know works hard to respond to the needs of the students in their school and ensure their learning and emotional needs are met.
“With my experience as a recent principal of a primary school in town that contributed students to GisInt, Ilminster and Campion, I can assure you the feedback I received about all of these schools was positive. I would have confidently sent my children to any one of them.”