The Gisborne Girls’ High School prefects behind a Givealittle fundraiser for the Waikato Cancer Society Lions Lodge include: (front row, from left) Rosa Meredith, Samara McLeod, Lily Bremner and Alani McLeod; (middle row, from left) Lola Talmage, Stevi Reid, Te Paea Parengaio Maurirere, Marcel Von Staden, Jessica Hayward and Ella Whibley; (back row, from left) Petiata Bowden , Helen Evans and Mahina Tolutau Tauatevalu
Picture by
Rebecca Grunwell
The Gisborne Girls’ High School prefects behind a Givealittle fundraiser for the Waikato Cancer Society Lions Lodge include: (front row, from left) Rosa Meredith, Samara McLeod, Lily Bremner and Alani McLeod; (middle row, from left) Lola Talmage, Stevi Reid, Te Paea Parengaio Maurirere, Marcel Von Staden, Jessica Hayward and Ella Whibley; (back row, from left) Petiata Bowden , Helen Evans and Mahina Tolutau Tauatevalu
Picture by
Rebecca Grunwell
The prefects at Gisborne Girls’ High School believe in community spirit and altruism.
They are demonstrating this belief by launching a Givealitle fundraising campaign to raise $5000 by the end of the month, to sponsor a room at the Waikato Cancer Society Lions Lodge for Gisborne patients travelling to Hamilton for cancer treatment.
Helen Evans believes they are the first prefects group to initiate this sort of fundraiser.
Helen and key organisers Lola Talmage and Ella Whibley are mindful that many relatives of prefects have had to go to Hamilton for treatment. One has a father staying at the Lions Lodge at the moment.
“It is a really important cause,” said Helen. “They do so much work up there.
“As a prefect group, we would love to show our thanks to this amazing complex by sponsoring a room covering all maintenance, repairs and other costs for the next five years,” said Helen.
“We would love it if people could contribute to this awesome kaupapa.”
The prefects have currently raised $1308. Go to