“There have been no confirmed cases in Gisborne and there continues to be no evidence of community transmission, but we do need to ensure we limit the risk of the virus spreading.
“The committee has taken advice from the Ministry of Health and Farmers Market New Zealand and there are conditions we have put in place.
“Please use the main entrance on Fitzherbert Street — opposite the council entrance. This will allow us to monitor visitor numbers.
“There will be no seating to help avoid congregations of people. This also allows more space for ‘social distancing'.
“Two hand-washing stations will be provided for customers and all vendors will have hand-washing or sanitiser available.
“Food samples will not be available.
“People should leave their “keep cup” at home for the time being and are asked not to handle loose fruit and veg.
“For now, please stay away from the market if you have returned from overseas in the last two weeks, or you have any cold or flu-like symptoms.
“Maybe ask a friend or neighbour to collect your usual purchases.
“We will continue to monitor the situation, and provide updates as necessary, but we are committed to operating a Saturday market for as long as restrictions allow.”