Hawea gave an excuse that involved looking for a petrol station but police noted she had already passed several before being stopped.
Judge Turitea Bolstad convicted Hawea and ordered her to come up for sentence if called upon within six months.
Counsel Lucy Rishworth contended that sentence was appropriate.
Hawea was subject to a 24-hour curfew for three weeks after the offence. It was effectively a term of home detention, Ms Rishworth said.
She accepted the curfew might not have been viewed that way had Hawea been on it during Level 4 — when all the country was essentially confined to their homes.
But apart from the first three days of it, Hawea was on it when the country had returned to Level 3.
With 21 active charges still progressing through the Napier District Court, Marie June Taiapa, 27, was further remanded on bail to appear next in that court.
Taiapa pleaded guilty to a Health Act charge of breaching Covid-19 rules and four breaches of bail, all arising in Gisborne. Those charges were transferred for call with her other matters in the Napier court on August 7.